Ordinary Council Meeting   Date: 16 November 2022, 2pm, 
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Order of Business

  • 1 Apologies and requests for leave of absence
  • 2 Confirmation Of Minutes
  • 3 Declarations
  • 4 Public Forum - report by Mayor of deputations heard prior to the meeting
  • 5 Petitions
  • 6 Mayoral Minutes
  • 7 Urgent Business
  • 8 Staff Reports - Community, Environment and Planning
  • 8.1 Draft Procedure for reporting Development Applications to Council
  • 8.2 Finalisation of draft amendments to requirements for off-street car and bicycle parking
  • 8.3 Funding for new local infrastructure contributions plan
  • 8.4 Clause 4.6 Variations to Development Standards Approved by Council for July to September 2022
  • 8.5 Policy 4.14 Burning off in open areas
  • 9 Staff Reports - Assets and Operations
  • 9.1 Bega Valley Local Traffic Committee
  • 9.2 RFT 2223-015 Construction of Kiah & Wandella Community Halls
  • 9.3 RFT 2223-030 Kameruka Lane upgrade
  • 9.4 RFT 2122-094 Construction of Bermagui Harbour and Pambula Lake Boat Ramps and Pontoons
  • 9.5 Sportsground Volunteer Site Committee Nominations
  • 10 Staff Reports - Business and Governance
  • 10.1 Special Rate Variation - Notice of Intent to Apply
  • 10.2 Annual Report 2021-22
  • 10.3 Quarterly Budget Review Statement (QBRS) September 2022 - Q1
  • 10.4 Certificate of Investment October 2022
  • 10.5 Review of Council Policies - Submission Received on Exhibited Document
  • 10.6 Review of Council Policies - adoption of exhibited documents Batch 5 no submissions received
  • 10.7 Road alignment rectification - Mount Darragh Road
  • 10.8 Expression of Interest 2223-013 Use of reserves
  • 10.9 Licence agreement - Tathra Beach Bowling Club
  • 10.10 Acquisition of easements for Bega Water Treatment Plant and Water and Sewerage Services Operations Depot
  • 10.11 Bega Showground Community Centre
  • 10.12 Land classification - Lot 882 in DP 789858 at 43 Red Gum Road, Yellow Pinch
  • 10.13 Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee Annual Report
  • 10.14 Actions from resolutions of Council - Progress Report
  • 11 Councillor Reports
  • 12 Rescission/Alteration Motions
  • 13 Notices of Motion
  • 13.1 Water and Sewer access charges
  • 13.2 Social Justice Advocates development application prioritisation
  • 13.3 Process for change of rating category
  • 14 Questions with Notice
  • 14.1 Cr Allen - 2022 Local Government Conference cost update
  • 15 Questions without Notice
  • 16 Confidential Business
  • 17 Noting of Resolutions from Closed Session
  • 18 Declassification of reports considered previously in Closed Session
  • Previous Meetings

    Meeting Number Date Meeting Type
    View Council Meeting 24 July 2024 Ordinary Council
    View Public Forum 24 July 2024 Public Forum
    View Council Meeting 26 June 2024 Ordinary Council
    View Public Forum 26 June 2024 Public Forum
    View Council Meeting 12 June 2024 Ordinary Council
    View Public Forum 12 June 2024 Public Forum